Verity by Colleen Hoover

I still remember how I picked this author – Colleen Hoover. It was my husband, who gifted me one book ‘Heart Bones’. That is when I decided to give it a shot and I must say, I was hooked. During that time, I was able to understand this craze or hype, especially amongst teenage girls. 

Be it any girl or the age group which I taught, literally girls were spending time reading any of the series or books written by Colleen Hoover. 

After I completed the 1st book in my reading list by Colleen, the other hyped book which I came across was ‘Verity’. I immediately made a run to a nearby Crossword store and bought a copy for myself. While on my way back home, I started reading the book in the auto-rickshaw and from there, I took 48 hours to complete the whole book or I should say, I devoured the book at one go.

I loved the way Colleen has described the character of Lowen and at the same time, the vivid description of Jeremy Crawford – our hero, our protagonist. Colleen has made sure, whoever picks up this book, should and would fall in love with the character of Jeremy Crawford. The selling point to me or maybe I was so deeply engaged with this book was how flawlessly it was written. I was literally able to picture each scene while I was reading. 

The book begins with Lowen Ashleigh, a struggling author on the verge of bankruptcy when she is being offered a lifetime opportunity. She is hired by Jeremy Crawford, husband of bestselling author Verity Crawford to complete the remaining books of a successful series his injured wife is unable to finish. 

Lowen arrives at Crawford home, ready to refer to Verity’s notes and outlines, hoping to get enough material to begin writing. While all of this, Lowen discovers Verity’s unfinished autobiography. Page after page and some bone-chilling confessions, it also included Verity’s recollection of what really happened the day her daughter died. 

Lowen decides to keep the manuscript by herself, knowing that it would devastate the father as he was still grieving his daughter’s death. But as Lowen’s feelings for Jeremy intensifies, she feels desperate about all the ways she could benefit if he were to read his wife’s words. Though Jeremy was devoted to his injured wife, knowing the horrifying truth, it would be impossible for him to continue to love her. 

I could simply say Thank you to my husband for introducing me to this author and to everyone out there, pick up “Verity” and just give it a read!

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